Toyota DLS Component Speakers R26.2 Component Speakers
To install DLS Component Speakers RS6.2 Component Speakers into your Toyota, you will want to use speaker adapters designed to work in your Tacoma. The DLS Component Speakers RS6.2 Component Speakers require a 5.8” cutout diameter for the mid range speakers. The DLS Component Speakers RS6.2 Component Speakers tweeters will require a 1.81″ cutout diameter.
2010 Toyota Tundra Full Stereo System Installation San Antonio Texas
We had the pleasure of installing a system for a local wounded hero here in San Antonio TX. Joe Drozd is also the founder and president of a Texas Toyota Offroaders. Joe came to us after a car show where he saw a few of or demo rides. He said I have to have that!
Joe’s Testimonial.
We will break up Joe’s truck into two parts. The first will be installation pics of the stereo system. The second part will be pictures of his Mad Max Toyota Tundra.
Joe’s Stereo System:
Joe had a basic head unit and wanted to be able to watch DVDs so he upgraded his head unit to Kenwood DVD unit. We supplied all the parts and installed the system over a 2 day period.
First we matted the truck with Ballistic matting. The doors and rear wall was matted to help reduce ambient noise and to eliminate rattles caused by the higher powered speakers and subwoofer. NOTE: Ballistic matting is now black. We also did not take pictures of the matting we installed on doors. We included some examples from another Tundra.
Head Unit:
Kenwood DDX770
Dash Installation Kit
Steering Wheel Interface Kit
Exile Javelin 5 Channel Amp 100 watts x 4 (speakers) 800 watts x 1 (subwoofer) RMS
2007-2013 Toyota Tundra CrewMax Ported Subwoofer box enclosure full size subwoofer
Toyota Tundra Full Size Subwoofer enclosure & Image Dynamics IDQV4 12″ 800 watt (RMS) Subwoofer
2007-2013 Toyota Tundra CrewMax Ported Subwoofer box enclosure full size subwoofer Looking for tons of bass but still want amazing clarity? Nothing will bring your music to life better than a properly tuned subwoofer enclosure matched with a powerful subwoofer. Toyota Tundra Crew Max.
The subwoofer that we include with this setup is the Image Dynamics IDQ12V4. The subwoofer can handle 800 watts (RMS) and provides deep rich bass with amazing clarity. ID is very well known for their amazing output while maintaining awesome sound quality.
NOTE: WE will not sell this subwoofer box without the subwoofer. We matched the subwoofer to the box. Properly tuning a subwoofer to an enclosure is an art / science. We refuse to allow someone to install the wrong sub in our enclosures and put our name on that enclosure.
To install this subwoofer you will need to remove the rear seats to gain access. Place the sub behind the seat as shown and then use self tapping screws to affix the box to the truck. We HIGHLY suggest matting the rear wall before installing the subwoofer.
Information about Ported Boxes. A ported enclosure will generally have a better low frequency extension for a given responsive curve but generally requires a larger enclosure. Ported enclosures can’t be as small as sealed boxes . . . but a ported subwoofer box lends itself to a lower frequency response. In most cases a ported box will provide the lower end bass notes (extension) that many audio gurus are looking to obtain from their sound system. The challenge with ported boxes are MANY and can be difficult to overcome with little air space to work with. Sure it is easy to build a ported subwoofer box when you have a ton of air space! But the space behind the 2014 Tundra is nearly non-existent.
As mentioned above, the box, port design and tuning all play a crucial role in properly designing a subwoofer enclosure.
2007 – 2013
Information provided by: (Wikipedia) “Thiele/Small” commonly refers to a set of electromechanical parameters that define the specified low frequency performance of a loudspeaker driver. These parameters are published in specification sheets by driver manufacturers so that designers have a guide in selecting off-the-shelf drivers for loudspeaker designs. Using these parameters, a loudspeaker designer may simulate the position, velocity and acceleration of the diaphragm, the input impedance and the sound output of a system comprising a loudspeaker and enclosure. Many of the parameters are strictly defined only at the resonant frequency, but the approach is generally applicable in the frequency range where the diaphragm motion is largely pistonic, i.e. when the entire cone moves in and out as a unit without cone breakup. Rather than purchase off-the-shelf components, loudspeaker design engineers often define desired performance and work backwards to a set of parameters and manufacture a driver with said characteristics or order it from a driver manufacturer. This process of generating parameters from a target response is known as synthesis. Thiele/Small parameters are named after A. Neville Thiele of the Australian Broadcasting Commission, and Richard H. Small of the University of Sydney, who pioneered this line of analysis for loudspeakers. History[ The 1925 paper of Chester W. Rice and Edward W. Kellogg, fueled by advances in radio and electronics, increased interest in direct radiator loudspeakers. In 1930, A. J. Thuras of Bell Labs patented (US Patent No. 1869178) his “Sound Translating Device” (essentially a vented box) which was evidence of the interest in many types of enclosure design at the time. Progress on loudspeaker enclosure design and analysis using acoustic analogous circuits by academic acousticians like Harry F. Olson continued until 1954 when Leo L. Beranek of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology published Acoustics,[1] a book summarizing and extending the electroacoustics of the era. J. F. Novak used novel simplifying assumptions in an analysis in a 1959 paper which led to a practical solution for the response of a given loudspeaker in a box, and also established their applicability by empirical measurement. In 1961, leaning heavily on Novak’s work, A. N. Thiele described a series of sealed and vented box “alignments” (i.e., enclosure designs based on electrical filter theory with well-characterized behavior, including frequency response, power handling, cone excursion, etc.) in a publication in an Australian journal.[2] This paper remained relatively unknown outside Australia until it was re-published in the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society in 1971. It is important to note that Thiele’s work neglected enclosure losses and, though a breakthrough at the time, his alignment tables now have little real-world utility. Many others continued to develop various aspects of loudspeaker enclosure design in the 1960s and early 1970s. From 1968-1972 J. E. Benson published three articles in an Australian journal that thoroughly analyzed sealed, vented and passive radiator designs, all using the same basic model. Beginning June 1972, Richard H. Small published a series of very influential articles in the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society restating and extending Thiele’s work. These articles were also originally published in Australia, where he had attended graduate school, and where his thesis supervisor was J.E. Benson. The work of Benson and Small overlapped considerably, but differed in that Benson did his work using computer programs and Small used analog simulators. Both researchers analyzed the systems including enclosure losses. Fundamental small signal mechanical parameters[edit] These are the physical parameters of a loudspeaker driver, as measured at small signal levels, used in the equivalent electrical circuit models. Some of these values are neither easy nor convenient to measure in a finished loudspeaker driver, so when designing speakers using existing drive units (which is almost always the case), the more easily measured parameters listed under Small Signal Parameters are more practical. Sd – Projected area of the driver diaphragm, in square meters. Fundamental small signal mechanical parameters[edit] These are the physical parameters of a loudspeaker driver, as measured at small signal levels, used in the equivalent electrical circuit models. Some of these values are neither easy nor convenient to measure in a finished loudspeaker driver, so when designing speakers using existing drive units (which is almost always the case), the more easily measured parameters listed under Small Signal Parameters are more practical. Sd – Projected area of the driver diaphragm, in square meters. Mms – Mass of the diaphragm/coil, including acoustic load, in kilograms.
2007 – 2013 Toyota tundra crewmax ported subwoofer box enclosure
Mass of the diaphragm/coil alone is known as Mmd Cms – Compliance of the driver’s suspension, in meters per newton (the reciprocal of its ‘stiffness’). Rms – The mechanical resistance of a driver’s suspension (i.e., ‘lossiness’) in N·s/m Le – Voice coil inductance measured in millihenries (mH) (Frequency dependent, usually measured at 1 kHz). Re – DC resistance of the voice coil, measured in ohms. Bl – The product of magnet field strength in the voice coil gap and the length of wire in the magnetic field, in tesla-metres (T·m). Qualitative descriptions[edit] Cross-section of a dynamic cone loudspeaker. Image not to scale. FsAlso called F0, resonance frequency measured in hertz (Hz). The frequency at which the combination of the energy stored in the moving mass and suspension compliance is maximum, and results in maximum cone velocity. A more compliant suspension or a larger moving mass will cause a lower resonance frequency, and vice versa. Usually it is less efficient to produce output at frequencies below Fs, and input signals significantly below Fs can cause large excursions, mechanically endangering the driver. Woofers typically have an Fs in the range of 13–60 Hz. Midranges usually have an Fs in the range of 60–500 Hz and tweeters between 500 Hz and 4 kHz. A typical factory tolerance for Fs spec is ±15%.QtsA unitless measurement, characterizing the combined electric and mechanical damping of the driver. In electronics, Q is the inverse of the damping ratio. The value of Qts is proportional to the energy stored, divided by the energy dissipated, and is defined at resonance (Fs). Most drivers have Qts values between 0.2 and 0.5, but there are valid (if unusual) reasons to have a value outside this range. QmsA unitless measurement, characterizing the mechanical damping of the driver, that is, the losses in the suspension (surround and spider.) It varies roughly between 0.5 and 10, with a typical value around 3. High Qms indicates lower mechanical losses, and low Qms indicates higher losses. The main effect of Qms is on the impedance of the driver, with high Qms drivers displaying a higher impedance peak. One predictor for low Qms is a metallic voice coil former. These act as eddy-current brakes and increase damping, reducing Qms. They must be designed with an electrical break in the cylinder (so no conducting loop). Some speaker manufacturers have placed shorted turns at the top and bottom of the voice coil to prevent it leaving the gap, but the sharp noise created by this device when the driver is overdriven is alarming and was perceived as a problem by owners. High Qms drivers are often built with nonconductive formers, made from paper, or various plastics.QesA unitless measurement, describing the electrical damping of the loudspeaker. As the coil of wire moves through the magnetic field, it generates a current which opposes the motion of the coil. This so-called “Back-EMF” (proportional to Bl * velocity) decreases the total current through the coil near the resonance frequency, reducing cone movement and increasing impedance. In most drivers, Qes is the dominant factor in the voice coil damping. Qes depends on amplifier output impedance. The formula above assumes zero output impedance. When an amplifier with nonzero output impedance is used, its output impedance should be added to Re for calculations involving Qes. BlMeasured in tesla-metres (T·m). Technically this is B×l or B×l sin(θ) (a vector cross product), but the standard geometry of a circular coil in an annular voice coil gap gives sin(θ)=1. B×l is also known as the ‘force factor’ because the force on the coil imposed by the magnet is B×l multiplied by the current through the coil. The higher the B×l value, the larger the force generated by a given current flowing through the voice coil. B×l has a very strong effect on Qes. VasMeasured in litres (L) or cubic metres, is a measure of the ‘stiffness’ of the suspension with the driver mounted in free air. It represents the volume of air that has the same stiffness as the driver’s suspension when acted on by a piston of the same area (Sd) as the cone. Larger values mean lower stiffness, and generally require larger enclosures. Vas varies with the square of the diameter. A typical factory tolerance for Vas spec is ±20–30%.MmsMeasured in grams (g) or kilograms (kg), this is the mass of the cone, coil and other moving parts of a driver, including the acoustic load imposed by the air in contact with the driver cone. Mmd is the cone/coil mass without the acoustic load, and the two should not be confused. Some simulation software calculates Mms when Mmd is entered. Mmd can be very closely controlled by the manufacturer. RmsUnits are not usually given for this parameter, but it is in mechanical ‘ohms’. Rms is a measurement of the losses, or damping, in a driver’s suspension and moving system. It is the main factor in determining Qms. Rms is influenced by suspension topology, materials, and by the voice coil former (bobbin) material. CmsMeasured in meters per newton (m/N). Describes the compliance (ie, the inverse of stiffness) of the suspension. The more compliant a suspension system is, the lower its stiffness, so the higher the Vas will be. Cms is proportional to Vas and thus has the same tolerance ranges. ReMeasured in ohms (Ω), this is the DC resistance (DCR) of the voice coil, best measured with the cone blocked, or prevented from moving or vibrating because otherwise the
2007 – 2013 Toyota tundra crewmax ported subwoofer box enclosure
pickup of ambient sounds can cause the measurement to be unreliable. Re should not be confused with the rated driver impedance, Re can be tightly controlled by the manufacturer, while rated impedance values are often approximate at best.. American EIA standard RS-299A specifies that Re (or DCR) should be at least 80% of the rated driver impedance, so an 8-ohm rated driver should have a DC resistance of at least 6.4 ohms, and a 4-ohm unit should measure 3.2 ohms minimum. This standard is voluntary, and many 8 ohm drivers have resistances of ~5.5 ohms, and proportionally lower for lower rated impedances. LeMeasured in millihenries (mH), this is the inductance of the voice coil. The coil is a lossy inductor, in part due to losses in the pole piece, so the apparent inductance changes with frequency. Large Le values limit the high frequency output of the driver and cause response changes near cutoff. Simple modeling software often neglects Le, and so does not include its consequences. Inductance varies with excursion because the voice coil moves relative to the polepiece, which acts as a sliding inductor core, increasing inductance on the inward stroke and decreasing it on the outward stroke in typical overhung coil arrangements. This inductance modulation is an important source of nonlinearity (distortion) in loudspeakers. Including a copper cap on the pole piece, or a copper shorting ring on it, can reduce the increase in impedance seen at higher frequencies in typical drivers, and also reduce the nonlinearity due to inductance modulation. Sd Measured in square meters (m²). The effective projected area of the cone or diaphragm. It is difficult to measure and depends largely on the shape and properties of the surround. Generally accepted as the cone body diameter plus one third to one half the width of the annulus (surround). Drivers with wide roll surrounds can have significantly less Sd than conventional types with the same frame diameter. XmaxSpecified in millimeters (mm). In the simplest form, subtract the height of the voice coil winding from the height of the magnetic gap, take the absolute value and divide by 2. This technique was suggested by JBL’s Mark Gander in a 1981 AES paper, as an indicator of a loudspeaker motor’s linear range. Although easily determined, it neglects magnetic and mechanical non-linearities and asymmetry, which are substantial for some drivers. Subsequently, a combined mechanical/acoustical measure was suggested, in which a driver is progressively driven to high levels at low frequencies, with Xmax determined by measuring excursion at a level where 10% THD is measured in the output. This method better represents actual driver performance, but is more
2007 – 2013 Toyota tundra crewmax ported subwoofer box enclosure
difficult and time-consuming to determine. PeSpecified in watts. Frequently two power ratings are given, an “RMS” rating and a “music” (or “peak”, or “system”) rating, usually peak is given as ~2 times the RMS rating. Loudspeakers have complex behavior, and a single number is really unsatisfactory. There are two aspects of power handling, thermal and mechanical. The thermal capacity is related to coil temperature and the point where adhesives and coil insulation melt or change shape. The mechanical limit comes into play at low frequencies, where excursions are largest, and involves mechanical failure of some component. A speaker that can handle 200 watts thermally at 200Hz, may sometimes be damaged by only a few watts at some very low frequency, like 10Hz. Power handling specifications are usually generated destructively, by long term industry standard noise signals (IEC 268, for example) that filter out low frequencies and test only the thermal capability of the driver. Actual mechanical power handling depends greatly on the enclosure in which the driver is installed. VdSpecified in litres (L). The volume displaced by the cone, equal to the cone area (Sd) multiplied by Xmax. A particular value may be achieved in any of several ways. For instance, by having a small cone with a large Xmax, or a large cone with a small Xmax. Comparing Vd values will give an indication of the maximum output of a driver at low frequencies. High Xmax, small cone diameter drivers are likely to be inefficient, since much of the voice coil winding will be outside the magnetic gap at any one time and will therefore contribute little or nothing to cone motion. Likewise, large cone diameter, small Xmax drivers are likely to be more efficient as they will not need, and so may not have, long voice coils.η0 – Reference Efficiency Specified in percent (%). Comparing drivers by their calculated reference efficiency is often more useful than using ‘sensitivity’ since manufacturer sensitivity figures are too often optimistic. SensitivityThe sound pressure, in dB, produced by a speaker in response to a specified stimulus. Usually this is specified at an input of 1 watt or 2.83 volts (2.83 volts = 1 watt into an 8 ohm load) at a distance of one meter. Mms – Mass of the diaphragm/coil, including acoustic load, in kilograms. Mass of the diaphragm/coil alone is known as Mmd Cms – Compliance of the driver’s suspension, in meters per newton (the reciprocal of its ‘stiffness’). Rms – The mechanical resistance of a driver’s suspension (i.e., ‘lossiness’) in N·s/m Le – Voice coil inductance measured in millihenries (mH) (Frequency dependent, usually measured at 1 kHz). Re – DC resistance of the voice coil, measured in ohms. Bl – The product of magnet field strength in the voice coil gap and the length of wire in the magnetic field, in tesla-metres (T·m). 2014 Toyota tundra crewmax ported subwoofer box enclosure
The front doors in your Toyota Tundra CrewMax are equipped with speakers that resemble a 6×9″ aftermarket speaker. However, when you remove the stock speaker, you will need to use an adapter that allows you to install aftermarket speakers. When you use one of our speaker adapters, you can install 6×9, 6.5 or 6.75 inch coaxial and component speakers. We also offer tweeter mounting products to install aftermarket tweeters in your Toyota Tundra CrewMax. Be sure to watch our video(s) on how to select speakers that will fit into your Toyota Tundra CrewMax. If you don’t want to worry about what fits, be sure to check our our bundled speaker packages that are assured to fit your Toyota Tundra CrewMax.
Mounting Depth:
Our speaker mounting adapters for the front doors in your Toyota Tundra CrewMax are 1″ thick and they provide a top mount depth of 2.95″. This means that the speaker can not be taller than 2.95″ or it may hit the window in your Tundra. Most manufctuers will provide the top mount depth with in their speaker manual
f you are installing 6×9 speakers this will work with just about every 6×9 speaker that has a top mount depth of 2.95 inches or less. NOTE: We do offer an additional 1/4″ spacer for the Toyota Tundra CrewMax front doors that will allow a maximum top mount depth of 3.20″
Cutout / Mounting Diameter:
sizes please watch the video(s) below. It should answer most of your questions regarding speaker sizes and mounting depth.
Toyota Tundra Rear Doors:
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2014
The rear doors in your Toyota Tundra CrewMax are equipped with speakers that resemble a 6.5″ aftermarket speaker.. However, when you remove the stock speaker, you will need to use an adapter that allows you to install aftermarket speakers. When you use one of our speaker adapters, you can install 6.5 or 6.75 inch speakers in the rear doors.Be sure to watch our video(s) on how to select speakers that will fit into your Toyota Tundra CrewMax . If you don’t want to worry about what fits, be sure to check our our bundled speaker packages that are assured to fit your Toyota Tundra CrewMax.
Our speaker mounting adapters for the rear doors in your Toyota Tundra CrewMax are 3/4″ thick and they provide a top mount depth of 3.35″. If you are planning to install 6.5 inch speakers the standard mounting diameter of 5.1 inches will accommodate approximately 90% of all 6.5 inch speakers. Higher end 6.5″ & 6.75 speakers and /or component speakers will usually have a larger mounting diameter. For more in depth explanation of speaker sizes, please watch the video(s) below. It should answer most of your questions regarding speaker sizes and mounting depth.
Tina showing 6×9 speakers installed in Toyota Tacoma Double Cab Access Cab & XrunnerClick here for step by step instructions on removing the door panel and installing speakers.After you have “popped” out the bottom portion of the door panel you will “lift” the panel upwards to remove it from the door.
2014 Toyota Tundra Stereo System Subwoofer Amplifier Speakers Install San Antonio
2014 Toyota Tundra Stereo System Subwoofer Amplifier Speakers Install San Antonio – We will take you through full installation of the 2014 Toyota Tundra System installation. We primarily provide our products online to customers all over the world. However, we do install quite a few audio systems for Toyota Tundras here in San Antonio, TX. No one will do the job better. We strictly perform installs on Toyotas. We have installed over 70 Toyota Tundra’s right here in San Antonio. WE have had customers come from as far as New Mexico to get a system installed.
Be sure to keep checking back on this post, we will be posting lots more pictures and videos.
2014 Toyota Tundra Stereo Amp Subwoofer Installation San Antonio
2014 Toyota Tundra Stereo Amp Subwoofer Installation San Antonio
2014 Toyota Tundra Stereo Amp Subwoofer Installation San Antonio
2014 Toyota Tundra Stereo Amp Subwoofer Installation San Antonio
2014 Toyota Tundra Stereo Amp Subwoofer Installation San Antonio
2014 Toyota Tundra add amp to entune
2014 Toyota Tundra Stereo Amp Subwoofer Installation San Antonio
2014 Toyota Tundra Stereo Amp Subwoofer Installation San Antonio
2014 Toyota Tundra Stereo Amp Subwoofer Installation San Antonio
2014 Toyota Tundra Stereo Amp Subwoofer Installation San Antonio
2014 Toyota Tundra Stereo Amp Subwoofer Installation San Antonio
2014 Toyota Tundra Stereo Amp Subwoofer Installation San Antonio
2014 Toyota Tundra Stereo Amp Subwoofer Installation San Antonio
2014 Toyota Tundra Stereo Amp Subwoofer Installation San Antonio
2014 Toyota Tundra Stereo Amp Subwoofer Installation San Antonio
2014 Toyota Tundra Stereo Amp Subwoofer Installation San Antonio
2014 Toyota Tundra Stereo Amp Subwoofer Installation San Antonio
2014 Toyota Tundra Stereo Amp Subwoofer Installation San Antonio
2014 Toyota Tundra Stereo Amp Subwoofer Installation San Antonio
2014 Toyota Tundra Stereo Amp Subwoofer Installation San Antonio
2014 Toyota Tundra Stereo Amp Subwoofer Installation San Antonio
2014 Toyota Tundra Stereo Amp Subwoofer Installation San Antonio
2014 Toyota Tundra Stereo Amp Subwoofer Installation San Antonio
2014 Toyota Tunda Stereo Amp Subwoofer Installation San Antonio
2014 Toyota Tundra car stereo Installer San Antonio
2014 Toyota Tundra car stereo Installer San Antonio
2014 Toyota Tundra car stereo Installer San Antonio
2014 Toyota Tundra car stereo Installer San Antonio
2014 Toyota Tundra car stereo Installer San Antonio
2014 Toyota Tundra car stereo Installer San Antonio
2014 Toyota Tundra car stereo Installer San Antonio
2014 Toyota Tundra car stereo Installer San Antonio
2014 Toyota Tundra car stereo Installer San Antonio
2014 Toyota Tundra car stereo Installer San Antonio
2014 Toyota Tundra car stereo Installer San Antonio
2014 Toyota Tundra car stereo Installer San Antonio
2014 Toyota Tundra CrewMax Ported Subwoofer box enclosure full size subwoofer
Toyota Tundra Full Size Subwoofer enclosure & Image Dynamics IDMAX 12″ Subwoofer
2014 Toyota Tundra CrewMax Ported Subwoofer box enclosure full size subwoofer Looking for tons of bass but still want amazing clarity? Nothing will bring your music to life better than a properly tuned subwoofer enclosure matched with a powerful subwoofer.Toyota Tundra Crew Max. This particular box will require moving the passenger side rear seat forward about 6″. You will have to use some brackets that we include with the enclosure. The large driver side seat will remain in the same position.
The subwoofer that we included with this setup is the very well known IDMAX from Image Dynamics. This sub is very well known for the amazing output while maintaining awesome sound quality. I have personally used these on my boat and beat them senseless for 8 hours straight and they lasted 3 summers at full volume. I am talking over 250 hours of CONSTANT PLAY at full volume. Unreal sound quality and bass output.
NOTE: WE will not sell this subwoofer box without the subwoofer. We matched the subwoofer to the box. Properly tuning a subwoofer to an enclosure is an art / science. We refuse to allow someone to install the wrong sub in our enclosures and put our name on that enclosure.
In 2014 Toyota changed the seat configuration on the Toyota Tundra CrewMax. In the previous model (2007-2013) the seats were adjustable. However in 2014 the rear seats were reconfigured; making it very difficult to install a subwoofer behind the seat of the Tundra.
2014 Toyota Tundra Full Size 12 inch subwoofer box enclosure
2014 Toyota Tundra Full Size 12 inch subwoofer box enclosure
2014 Toyota Tundra Full Size 12 inch subwoofer box enclosure
2014 Toyota Tundra Full Size 12 inch subwoofer box enclosure
2014 Toyota Tundra Full Size 12 inch subwoofer box enclosure
2014 Toyota Tundra Full Size 12 inch subwoofer box enclosure
2014 Toyota Tundra Full Size 12 inch subwoofer box enclosure
Installation Requirements:
To install this subwoofer you will need to remove the rear seats to gain access. There is some padding that is hanging behind the rear seats. The padding is easily removed by taking out the retaining clips. The tire iron bag carrier will need to be removed. We HIGHLY suggest matting the rear wall before installing the subwoofer. We include two bolts that allow you to bolt the subwoofer to existing mounting points in the Tundra. The bolts will keep the box from shifting and more importantly will alleviate any rattling from the box.
Information about Ported Boxes. A ported enclosure will generally have a better low frequency extension for a given responsive curve but generally requires a larger enclosure. Ported enclosures can’t be as small as sealed boxes . . . but a ported subwoofer box lends itself to a lower frequency response. In most cases a ported box will provide the lower end bass notes (extension) that many audio gurus are looking to obtain from their sound system. The challenge with ported boxes are MANY and can be difficult to overcome with little air space to work with. Sure it is easy to build a ported subwoofer box when you have a ton of air space! But the space behind the 2014 Tundra is nearly non-existent. To overcome this limited space we are using a shallow mount subwoofer for this particular enclosure. There are some disadvantages to shallow mounts subwoofers. Generally speaking, a shallow mount subwoofer does NOT produce the sound quality you would come to expect from a full size subwoofer. Often you are hard pressed to get the same lower end frequencies that really bring the music to life. Another common issue with shallow mount subwoofer is the lifespan of the subwoofer. Regardless of the common issues that plague shallow mounts subs, we were able to get some really good sound from a small subwoofer by properly port tuning the box. We will provide a list of subwoofers that we have tested Please keep in mind, if you purchase a subwoofer that is not on the list, chances are you will NOT be happy with the sound quality. As mentioned above, the box, port design and tuning all play a crucial role in properly designing a subwoofer enclosure. Information provided by: (Wikipedia) “Thiele/Small” commonly refers to a set of electromechanical parameters that define the specified low frequency performance of a loudspeaker driver. These parameters are published in specification sheets by driver manufacturers so that designers have a guide in selecting off-the-shelf drivers for loudspeaker designs. Using these parameters, a loudspeaker designer may simulate the position, velocity and acceleration of the diaphragm, the input impedance and the sound output of a system comprising a loudspeaker and enclosure. Many of the parameters are strictly defined only at the resonant frequency, but the approach is generally applicable in the frequency range where the diaphragm motion is largely pistonic, i.e. when the entire cone moves in and out as a unit without cone breakup. Rather than purchase off-the-shelf components, loudspeaker design engineers often define desired performance and work backwards to a set of parameters and manufacture a driver with said characteristics or order it from a driver manufacturer. This process of generating parameters from a target response is known as synthesis. Thiele/Small parameters are named after A. Neville Thiele of the Australian Broadcasting Commission, and Richard H. Small of the University of Sydney, who pioneered this line of analysis for loudspeakers. History[ The 1925 paper of Chester W. Rice and Edward W. Kellogg, fueled by advances in radio and electronics, increased interest in direct radiator loudspeakers. In 1930, A. J. Thuras of Bell Labs patented (US Patent No. 1869178) his “Sound Translating Device” (essentially a vented box) which was evidence of the interest in many types of enclosure design at the time. Progress on loudspeaker enclosure design and analysis using acoustic analogous circuits by academic acousticians like Harry F. Olson continued until 1954 when Leo L. Beranek of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology published Acoustics,[1] a book summarizing and extending the electroacoustics of the era. J. F. Novak used novel simplifying assumptions in an analysis in a 1959 paper which led to a practical solution for the response of a given loudspeaker in a box, and also established their applicability by empirical measurement. In 1961, leaning heavily on Novak’s work, A. N. Thiele described a series of sealed and vented box “alignments” (i.e., enclosure designs based on electrical filter theory with well-characterized behavior, including frequency response, power handling, cone excursion, etc.) in a publication in an Australian journal.[2] This paper remained relatively unknown outside Australia until it was re-published in the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society in 1971. It is important to note that Thiele’s work neglected enclosure losses and, though a breakthrough at the time, his alignment tables now have little real-world utility. Many others continued to develop various aspects of loudspeaker enclosure design in the 1960s and early 1970s. From 1968-1972 J. E. Benson published three articles in an Australian journal that thoroughly analyzed sealed, vented and passive radiator designs, all using the same basic model. Beginning June 1972, Richard H. Small published a series of very influential articles in the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society restating and extending Thiele’s work. These articles were also originally published in Australia, where he had attended graduate school, and where his thesis supervisor was J.E. Benson. The work of Benson and Small overlapped considerably, but differed in that Benson did his work using computer programs and Small used analog simulators. Both researchers analyzed the systems including enclosure losses. Fundamental small signal mechanical parameters[edit] These are the physical parameters of a loudspeaker driver, as measured at small signal levels, used in the equivalent electrical circuit models. Some of these values are neither easy nor convenient to measure in a finished loudspeaker driver, so when designing speakers using existing drive units (which is almost always the case), the more easily measured parameters listed under Small Signal Parameters are more practical. Sd – Projected area of the driver diaphragm, in square meters. Fundamental small signal mechanical parameters[edit] These are the physical parameters of a loudspeaker driver, as measured at small signal levels, used in the equivalent electrical circuit models. Some of these values are neither easy nor convenient to measure in a finished loudspeaker driver, so when designing speakers using existing drive units (which is almost always the case), the more easily measured parameters listed under Small Signal Parameters are more practical. Sd – Projected area of the driver diaphragm, in square meters. Mms – Mass of the diaphragm/coil, including acoustic load, in kilograms.
2014 Toyota tundra crewmax ported subwoofer box enclosure
Mass of the diaphragm/coil alone is known as Mmd Cms – Compliance of the driver’s suspension, in meters per newton (the reciprocal of its ‘stiffness’). Rms – The mechanical resistance of a driver’s suspension (i.e., ‘lossiness’) in N·s/m Le – Voice coil inductance measured in millihenries (mH) (Frequency dependent, usually measured at 1 kHz). Re – DC resistance of the voice coil, measured in ohms. Bl – The product of magnet field strength in the voice coil gap and the length of wire in the magnetic field, in tesla-metres (T·m). Qualitative descriptions[edit] Cross-section of a dynamic cone loudspeaker. Image not to scale. FsAlso called F0, resonance frequency measured in hertz (Hz). The frequency at which the combination of the energy stored in the moving mass and suspension compliance is maximum, and results in maximum cone velocity. A more compliant suspension or a larger moving mass will cause a lower resonance frequency, and vice versa. Usually it is less efficient to produce output at frequencies below Fs, and input signals significantly below Fs can cause large excursions, mechanically endangering the driver. Woofers typically have an Fs in the range of 13–60 Hz. Midranges usually have an Fs in the range of 60–500 Hz and tweeters between 500 Hz and 4 kHz. A typical factory tolerance for Fs spec is ±15%.QtsA unitless measurement, characterizing the combined electric and mechanical damping of the driver. In electronics, Q is the inverse of the damping ratio. The value of Qts is proportional to the energy stored, divided by the energy dissipated, and is defined at resonance (Fs). Most drivers have Qts values between 0.2 and 0.5, but there are valid (if unusual) reasons to have a value outside this range. QmsA unitless measurement, characterizing the mechanical damping of the driver, that is, the losses in the suspension (surround and spider.) It varies roughly between 0.5 and 10, with a typical value around 3. High Qms indicates lower mechanical losses, and low Qms indicates higher losses. The main effect of Qms is on the impedance of the driver, with high Qms drivers displaying a higher impedance peak. One predictor for low Qms is a metallic voice coil former. These act as eddy-current brakes and increase damping, reducing Qms. They must be designed with an electrical break in the cylinder (so no conducting loop). Some speaker manufacturers have placed shorted turns at the top and bottom of the voice coil to prevent it leaving the gap, but the sharp noise created by this device when the driver is overdriven is alarming and was perceived as a problem by owners. High Qms drivers are often built with nonconductive formers, made from paper, or various plastics.QesA unitless measurement, describing the electrical damping of the loudspeaker. As the coil of wire moves through the magnetic field, it generates a current which opposes the motion of the coil. This so-called “Back-EMF” (proportional to Bl * velocity) decreases the total current through the coil near the resonance frequency, reducing cone movement and increasing impedance. In most drivers, Qes is the dominant factor in the voice coil damping. Qes depends on amplifier output impedance. The formula above assumes zero output impedance. When an amplifier with nonzero output impedance is used, its output impedance should be added to Re for calculations involving Qes. BlMeasured in tesla-metres (T·m). Technically this is B×l or B×l sin(θ) (a vector cross product), but the standard geometry of a circular coil in an annular voice coil gap gives sin(θ)=1. B×l is also known as the ‘force factor’ because the force on the coil imposed by the magnet is B×l multiplied by the current through the coil. The higher the B×l value, the larger the force generated by a given current flowing through the voice coil. B×l has a very strong effect on Qes. VasMeasured in litres (L) or cubic metres, is a measure of the ‘stiffness’ of the suspension with the driver mounted in free air. It represents the volume of air that has the same stiffness as the driver’s suspension when acted on by a piston of the same area (Sd) as the cone. Larger values mean lower stiffness, and generally require larger enclosures. Vas varies with the square of the diameter. A typical factory tolerance for Vas spec is ±20–30%.MmsMeasured in grams (g) or kilograms (kg), this is the mass of the cone, coil and other moving parts of a driver, including the acoustic load imposed by the air in contact with the driver cone. Mmd is the cone/coil mass without the acoustic load, and the two should not be confused. Some simulation software calculates Mms when Mmd is entered. Mmd can be very closely controlled by the manufacturer. RmsUnits are not usually given for this parameter, but it is in mechanical ‘ohms’. Rms is a measurement of the losses, or damping, in a driver’s suspension and moving system. It is the main factor in determining Qms. Rms is influenced by suspension topology, materials, and by the voice coil former (bobbin) material. CmsMeasured in meters per newton (m/N). Describes the compliance (ie, the inverse of stiffness) of the suspension. The more compliant a suspension system is, the lower its stiffness, so the higher the Vas will be. Cms is proportional to Vas and thus has the same tolerance ranges. ReMeasured in ohms (Ω), this is the DC resistance (DCR) of the voice coil, best measured with the cone blocked, or prevented from moving or vibrating because otherwise the
2014 Toyota tundra crewmax ported subwoofer box enclosure
pickup of ambient sounds can cause the measurement to be unreliable. Re should not be confused with the rated driver impedance, Re can be tightly controlled by the manufacturer, while rated impedance values are often approximate at best.. American EIA standard RS-299A specifies that Re (or DCR) should be at least 80% of the rated driver impedance, so an 8-ohm rated driver should have a DC resistance of at least 6.4 ohms, and a 4-ohm unit should measure 3.2 ohms minimum. This standard is voluntary, and many 8 ohm drivers have resistances of ~5.5 ohms, and proportionally lower for lower rated impedances. LeMeasured in millihenries (mH), this is the inductance of the voice coil. The coil is a lossy inductor, in part due to losses in the pole piece, so the apparent inductance changes with frequency. Large Le values limit the high frequency output of the driver and cause response changes near cutoff. Simple modeling software often neglects Le, and so does not include its consequences. Inductance varies with excursion because the voice coil moves relative to the polepiece, which acts as a sliding inductor core, increasing inductance on the inward stroke and decreasing it on the outward stroke in typical overhung coil arrangements. This inductance modulation is an important source of nonlinearity (distortion) in loudspeakers. Including a copper cap on the pole piece, or a copper shorting ring on it, can reduce the increase in impedance seen at higher frequencies in typical drivers, and also reduce the nonlinearity due to inductance modulation. Sd Measured in square meters (m²). The effective projected area of the cone or diaphragm. It is difficult to measure and depends largely on the shape and properties of the surround. Generally accepted as the cone body diameter plus one third to one half the width of the annulus (surround). Drivers with wide roll surrounds can have significantly less Sd than conventional types with the same frame diameter. XmaxSpecified in millimeters (mm). In the simplest form, subtract the height of the voice coil winding from the height of the magnetic gap, take the absolute value and divide by 2. This technique was suggested by JBL’s Mark Gander in a 1981 AES paper, as an indicator of a loudspeaker motor’s linear range. Although easily determined, it neglects magnetic and mechanical non-linearities and asymmetry, which are substantial for some drivers. Subsequently, a combined mechanical/acoustical measure was suggested, in which a driver is progressively driven to high levels at low frequencies, with Xmax determined by measuring excursion at a level where 10% THD is measured in the output. This method better represents actual driver performance, but is more
2014 Toyota tundra crewmax ported subwoofer box enclosure
difficult and time-consuming to determine. PeSpecified in watts. Frequently two power ratings are given, an “RMS” rating and a “music” (or “peak”, or “system”) rating, usually peak is given as ~2 times the RMS rating. Loudspeakers have complex behavior, and a single number is really unsatisfactory. There are two aspects of power handling, thermal and mechanical. The thermal capacity is related to coil temperature and the point where adhesives and coil insulation melt or change shape. The mechanical limit comes into play at low frequencies, where excursions are largest, and involves mechanical failure of some component. A speaker that can handle 200 watts thermally at 200Hz, may sometimes be damaged by only a few watts at some very low frequency, like 10Hz. Power handling specifications are usually generated destructively, by long term industry standard noise signals (IEC 268, for example) that filter out low frequencies and test only the thermal capability of the driver. Actual mechanical power handling depends greatly on the enclosure in which the driver is installed. VdSpecified in litres (L). The volume displaced by the cone, equal to the cone area (Sd) multiplied by Xmax. A particular value may be achieved in any of several ways. For instance, by having a small cone with a large Xmax, or a large cone with a small Xmax. Comparing Vd values will give an indication of the maximum output of a driver at low frequencies. High Xmax, small cone diameter drivers are likely to be inefficient, since much of the voice coil winding will be outside the magnetic gap at any one time and will therefore contribute little or nothing to cone motion. Likewise, large cone diameter, small Xmax drivers are likely to be more efficient as they will not need, and so may not have, long voice coils.η0 – Reference Efficiency Specified in percent (%). Comparing drivers by their calculated reference efficiency is often more useful than using ‘sensitivity’ since manufacturer sensitivity figures are too often optimistic. SensitivityThe sound pressure, in dB, produced by a speaker in response to a specified stimulus. Usually this is specified at an input of 1 watt or 2.83 volts (2.83 volts = 1 watt into an 8 ohm load) at a distance of one meter. Mms – Mass of the diaphragm/coil, including acoustic load, in kilograms. Mass of the diaphragm/coil alone is known as Mmd Cms – Compliance of the driver’s suspension, in meters per newton (the reciprocal of its ‘stiffness’). Rms – The mechanical resistance of a driver’s suspension (i.e., ‘lossiness’) in N·s/m Le – Voice coil inductance measured in millihenries (mH) (Frequency dependent, usually measured at 1 kHz). Re – DC resistance of the voice coil, measured in ohms. Bl – The product of magnet field strength in the voice coil gap and the length of wire in the magnetic field, in tesla-metres (T·m). 2014 Toyota tundra crewmax ported subwoofer box enclosure
2014 Toyota Tundra CrewMax Ported Subwoofer box enclosure
Toyota Tundra Shallow mount Subwoofer enclosure
2014 Toyota tundra crewmax ported subwoofer box enclosure – offers two different subwoofer boxes for the 2014+ Toyota Tundra Crew Max. This particular box fits behind the seats of your Toyota Tundra with just a few slight modifications you will able you to put the seats back in place. Due to the lack of space behind the seat we are using the Kicker CompRT shallow mount subwoofer that is designed to work in a ported setup. Please keep in mind there are very few shallow mount subwoofers that will work in a ported setup.
2015 Toyota Tundra Kicker Comp RT Ported Subwoofer Box2015 Toyota Tundra Kicker Comp RT Ported Subwoofer Box enclosure2014 Toyota Tundra Ported Subwoofer Box2014 Toyota Tundra Kicker Comp RT Ported Subwoofer Box
2014 Toyota Tundra Subwoofer Box Enclosure Shallow Mount Fits Behind Seats
2014 Toyota Tundra Subwoofer Box Enclosure Shallow Mount(
2014 Toyota Tundra Subwoofer Box Enclosure Shallow Mount(
2014 Toyota Tundra Subwoofer Box Enclosure Shallow Mount(
2014 Toyota Tundra Subwoofer Box Enclosure Shallow Mount(
2014 Toyota Tundra Subwoofer Box Enclosure Shallow Mount(
2014 Toyota Tundra Subwoofer Box Enclosure Shallow Mount(
In 2014 Toyota changed the seat configuration on the Toyota Tundra CrewMax. In the previous model (2007-2013) the seats were adjustable. However in 2014 the rear seats were reconfigured; making it very difficult to install a subwoofer behind the seat of the Tundra.
Installation Requirements:
To install this subwoofer you will need to remove the rear seats to gain access. There is some padding that is hanging behind the rear seats. The padding is easily removed by taking out the retaining clips. The tire iron bag carrier will need to be removed. We HIGHLY suggest matting the rear wall before installing the subwoofer. We include a mounting bolt that allow you to bolt the subwoofer to existing mounting points in the Tundra. The bolt and cover will keep the box from shifting and more importantly will alleviate any rattling from the box.
Information about Ported Boxes. A ported enclosure will generally have a better low frequency extension for a given responsive curve but generally requires a larger enclosure. Ported enclosures can’t be as small as sealed boxes . . . but a ported subwoofer box lends itself to a lower frequency response. In most cases a ported box will provide the lower end bass notes (extension) that many audio gurus are looking to obtain from their sound system. The challenge with ported boxes are MANY and can be difficult to overcome with little air space to work with. Sure it is easy to build a ported subwoofer box when you have a ton of air space! But the space behind the 2014 Tundra is nearly non-existent. To overcome this limited space we are using a shallow mount subwoofer for this particular enclosure. There are some disadvantages to shallow mounts subwoofers. Generally speaking, a shallow mount subwoofer does NOT produce the sound quality you would come to expect from a full size subwoofer. Often you are hard pressed to get the same lower end frequencies that really bring the music to life. Another common issue with shallow mount subwoofer is the lifespan of the subwoofer. Regardless of the common issues that plague shallow mounts subs, we were able to get some really good sound from a small subwoofer by properly port tuning the box. We will provide a list of subwoofers that we have tested Please keep in mind, if you purchase a subwoofer that is not on the list, chances are you will NOT be happy with the sound quality. As mentioned above, the box, port design and tuning all play a crucial role in properly designing a subwoofer enclosure. Information provided by: (Wikipedia) “Thiele/Small” commonly refers to a set of electromechanical parameters that define the specified low frequency performance of a loudspeaker driver. These parameters are published in specification sheets by driver manufacturers so that designers have a guide in selecting off-the-shelf drivers for loudspeaker designs. Using these parameters, a loudspeaker designer may simulate the position, velocity and acceleration of the diaphragm, the input impedance and the sound output of a system comprising a loudspeaker and enclosure. Many of the parameters are strictly defined only at the resonant frequency, but the approach is generally applicable in the frequency range where the diaphragm motion is largely pistonic, i.e. when the entire cone moves in and out as a unit without cone breakup. Rather than purchase off-the-shelf components, loudspeaker design engineers often define desired performance and work backwards to a set of parameters and manufacture a driver with said characteristics or order it from a driver manufacturer. This process of generating parameters from a target response is known as synthesis. Thiele/Small parameters are named after A. Neville Thiele of the Australian Broadcasting Commission, and Richard H. Small of the University of Sydney, who pioneered this line of analysis for loudspeakers. History[ The 1925 paper of Chester W. Rice and Edward W. Kellogg, fueled by advances in radio and electronics, increased interest in direct radiator loudspeakers. In 1930, A. J. Thuras of Bell Labs patented (US Patent No. 1869178) his “Sound Translating Device” (essentially a vented box) which was evidence of the interest in many types of enclosure design at the time. Progress on loudspeaker enclosure design and analysis using acoustic analogous circuits by academic acousticians like Harry F. Olson continued until 1954 when Leo L. Beranek of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology published Acoustics,[1] a book summarizing and extending the electroacoustics of the era. J. F. Novak used novel simplifying assumptions in an analysis in a 1959 paper which led to a practical solution for the response of a given loudspeaker in a box, and also established their applicability by empirical measurement. In 1961, leaning heavily on Novak’s work, A. N. Thiele described a series of sealed and vented box “alignments” (i.e., enclosure designs based on electrical filter theory with well-characterized behavior, including frequency response, power handling, cone excursion, etc.) in a publication in an Australian journal.[2] This paper remained relatively unknown outside Australia until it was re-published in the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society in 1971. It is important to note that Thiele’s work neglected enclosure losses and, though a breakthrough at the time, his alignment tables now have little real-world utility. Many others continued to develop various aspects of loudspeaker enclosure design in the 1960s and early 1970s. From 1968-1972 J. E. Benson published three articles in an Australian journal that thoroughly analyzed sealed, vented and passive radiator designs, all using the same basic model. Beginning June 1972, Richard H. Small published a series of very influential articles in the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society restating and extending Thiele’s work. These articles were also originally published in Australia, where he had attended graduate school, and where his thesis supervisor was J.E. Benson. The work of Benson and Small overlapped considerably, but differed in that Benson did his work using computer programs and Small used analog simulators. Both researchers analyzed the systems including enclosure losses. Fundamental small signal mechanical parameters[edit] These are the physical parameters of a loudspeaker driver, as measured at small signal levels, used in the equivalent electrical circuit models. Some of these values are neither easy nor convenient to measure in a finished loudspeaker driver, so when designing speakers using existing drive units (which is almost always the case), the more easily measured parameters listed under Small Signal Parameters are more practical. Sd – Projected area of the driver diaphragm, in square meters. Fundamental small signal mechanical parameters[edit] These are the physical parameters of a loudspeaker driver, as measured at small signal levels, used in the equivalent electrical circuit models. Some of these values are neither easy nor convenient to measure in a finished loudspeaker driver, so when designing speakers using existing drive units (which is almost always the case), the more easily measured parameters listed under Small Signal Parameters are more practical. Sd – Projected area of the driver diaphragm, in square meters. Mms – Mass of the diaphragm/coil, including acoustic load, in kilograms.
2014 Toyota tundra crewmax ported subwoofer box enclosure
Mass of the diaphragm/coil alone is known as Mmd Cms – Compliance of the driver’s suspension, in meters per newton (the reciprocal of its ‘stiffness’). Rms – The mechanical resistance of a driver’s suspension (i.e., ‘lossiness’) in N·s/m Le – Voice coil inductance measured in millihenries (mH) (Frequency dependent, usually measured at 1 kHz). Re – DC resistance of the voice coil, measured in ohms. Bl – The product of magnet field strength in the voice coil gap and the length of wire in the magnetic field, in tesla-metres (T·m). Qualitative descriptions[edit] Cross-section of a dynamic cone loudspeaker. Image not to scale. FsAlso called F0, resonance frequency measured in hertz (Hz). The frequency at which the combination of the energy stored in the moving mass and suspension compliance is maximum, and results in maximum cone velocity. A more compliant suspension or a larger moving mass will cause a lower resonance frequency, and vice versa. Usually it is less efficient to produce output at frequencies below Fs, and input signals significantly below Fs can cause large excursions, mechanically endangering the driver. Woofers typically have an Fs in the range of 13–60 Hz. Midranges usually have an Fs in the range of 60–500 Hz and tweeters between 500 Hz and 4 kHz. A typical factory tolerance for Fs spec is ±15%.QtsA unitless measurement, characterizing the combined electric and mechanical damping of the driver. In electronics, Q is the inverse of the damping ratio. The value of Qts is proportional to the energy stored, divided by the energy dissipated, and is defined at resonance (Fs). Most drivers have Qts values between 0.2 and 0.5, but there are valid (if unusual) reasons to have a value outside this range. QmsA unitless measurement, characterizing the mechanical damping of the driver, that is, the losses in the suspension (surround and spider.) It varies roughly between 0.5 and 10, with a typical value around 3. High Qms indicates lower mechanical losses, and low Qms indicates higher losses. The main effect of Qms is on the impedance of the driver, with high Qms drivers displaying a higher impedance peak. One predictor for low Qms is a metallic voice coil former. These act as eddy-current brakes and increase damping, reducing Qms. They must be designed with an electrical break in the cylinder (so no conducting loop). Some speaker manufacturers have placed shorted turns at the top and bottom of the voice coil to prevent it leaving the gap, but the sharp noise created by this device when the driver is overdriven is alarming and was perceived as a problem by owners. High Qms drivers are often built with nonconductive formers, made from paper, or various plastics.QesA unitless measurement, describing the electrical damping of the loudspeaker. As the coil of wire moves through the magnetic field, it generates a current which opposes the motion of the coil. This so-called “Back-EMF” (proportional to Bl * velocity) decreases the total current through the coil near the resonance frequency, reducing cone movement and increasing impedance. In most drivers, Qes is the dominant factor in the voice coil damping. Qes depends on amplifier output impedance. The formula above assumes zero output impedance. When an amplifier with nonzero output impedance is used, its output impedance should be added to Re for calculations involving Qes. BlMeasured in tesla-metres (T·m). Technically this is B×l or B×l sin(θ) (a vector cross product), but the standard geometry of a circular coil in an annular voice coil gap gives sin(θ)=1. B×l is also known as the ‘force factor’ because the force on the coil imposed by the magnet is B×l multiplied by the current through the coil. The higher the B×l value, the larger the force generated by a given current flowing through the voice coil. B×l has a very strong effect on Qes. VasMeasured in litres (L) or cubic metres, is a measure of the ‘stiffness’ of the suspension with the driver mounted in free air. It represents the volume of air that has the same stiffness as the driver’s suspension when acted on by a piston of the same area (Sd) as the cone. Larger values mean lower stiffness, and generally require larger enclosures. Vas varies with the square of the diameter. A typical factory tolerance for Vas spec is ±20–30%.MmsMeasured in grams (g) or kilograms (kg), this is the mass of the cone, coil and other moving parts of a driver, including the acoustic load imposed by the air in contact with the driver cone. Mmd is the cone/coil mass without the acoustic load, and the two should not be confused. Some simulation software calculates Mms when Mmd is entered. Mmd can be very closely controlled by the manufacturer. RmsUnits are not usually given for this parameter, but it is in mechanical ‘ohms’. Rms is a measurement of the losses, or damping, in a driver’s suspension and moving system. It is the main factor in determining Qms. Rms is influenced by suspension topology, materials, and by the voice coil former (bobbin) material. CmsMeasured in meters per newton (m/N). Describes the compliance (ie, the inverse of stiffness) of the suspension. The more compliant a suspension system is, the lower its stiffness, so the higher the Vas will be. Cms is proportional to Vas and thus has the same tolerance ranges. ReMeasured in ohms (Ω), this is the DC resistance (DCR) of the voice coil, best measured with the cone blocked, or prevented from moving or vibrating because otherwise the
2014 Toyota tundra crewmax ported subwoofer box enclosure
pickup of ambient sounds can cause the measurement to be unreliable. Re should not be confused with the rated driver impedance, Re can be tightly controlled by the manufacturer, while rated impedance values are often approximate at best.. American EIA standard RS-299A specifies that Re (or DCR) should be at least 80% of the rated driver impedance, so an 8-ohm rated driver should have a DC resistance of at least 6.4 ohms, and a 4-ohm unit should measure 3.2 ohms minimum. This standard is voluntary, and many 8 ohm drivers have resistances of ~5.5 ohms, and proportionally lower for lower rated impedances. LeMeasured in millihenries (mH), this is the inductance of the voice coil. The coil is a lossy inductor, in part due to losses in the pole piece, so the apparent inductance changes with frequency. Large Le values limit the high frequency output of the driver and cause response changes near cutoff. Simple modeling software often neglects Le, and so does not include its consequences. Inductance varies with excursion because the voice coil moves relative to the polepiece, which acts as a sliding inductor core, increasing inductance on the inward stroke and decreasing it on the outward stroke in typical overhung coil arrangements. This inductance modulation is an important source of nonlinearity (distortion) in loudspeakers. Including a copper cap on the pole piece, or a copper shorting ring on it, can reduce the increase in impedance seen at higher frequencies in typical drivers, and also reduce the nonlinearity due to inductance modulation. Sd Measured in square meters (m²). The effective projected area of the cone or diaphragm. It is difficult to measure and depends largely on the shape and properties of the surround. Generally accepted as the cone body diameter plus one third to one half the width of the annulus (surround). Drivers with wide roll surrounds can have significantly less Sd than conventional types with the same frame diameter. XmaxSpecified in millimeters (mm). In the simplest form, subtract the height of the voice coil winding from the height of the magnetic gap, take the absolute value and divide by 2. This technique was suggested by JBL’s Mark Gander in a 1981 AES paper, as an indicator of a loudspeaker motor’s linear range. Although easily determined, it neglects magnetic and mechanical non-linearities and asymmetry, which are substantial for some drivers. Subsequently, a combined mechanical/acoustical measure was suggested, in which a driver is progressively driven to high levels at low frequencies, with Xmax determined by measuring excursion at a level where 10% THD is measured in the output. This method better represents actual driver performance, but is more
2014 Toyota tundra crewmax ported subwoofer box enclosure
difficult and time-consuming to determine. PeSpecified in watts. Frequently two power ratings are given, an “RMS” rating and a “music” (or “peak”, or “system”) rating, usually peak is given as ~2 times the RMS rating. Loudspeakers have complex behavior, and a single number is really unsatisfactory. There are two aspects of power handling, thermal and mechanical. The thermal capacity is related to coil temperature and the point where adhesives and coil insulation melt or change shape. The mechanical limit comes into play at low frequencies, where excursions are largest, and involves mechanical failure of some component. A speaker that can handle 200 watts thermally at 200Hz, may sometimes be damaged by only a few watts at some very low frequency, like 10Hz. Power handling specifications are usually generated destructively, by long term industry standard noise signals (IEC 268, for example) that filter out low frequencies and test only the thermal capability of the driver. Actual mechanical power handling depends greatly on the enclosure in which the driver is installed. VdSpecified in litres (L). The volume displaced by the cone, equal to the cone area (Sd) multiplied by Xmax. A particular value may be achieved in any of several ways. For instance, by having a small cone with a large Xmax, or a large cone with a small Xmax. Comparing Vd values will give an indication of the maximum output of a driver at low frequencies. High Xmax, small cone diameter drivers are likely to be inefficient, since much of the voice coil winding will be outside the magnetic gap at any one time and will therefore contribute little or nothing to cone motion. Likewise, large cone diameter, small Xmax drivers are likely to be more efficient as they will not need, and so may not have, long voice coils.η0 – Reference Efficiency Specified in percent (%). Comparing drivers by their calculated reference efficiency is often more useful than using ‘sensitivity’ since manufacturer sensitivity figures are too often optimistic. SensitivityThe sound pressure, in dB, produced by a speaker in response to a specified stimulus. Usually this is specified at an input of 1 watt or 2.83 volts (2.83 volts = 1 watt into an 8 ohm load) at a distance of one meter. Mms – Mass of the diaphragm/coil, including acoustic load, in kilograms. Mass of the diaphragm/coil alone is known as Mmd Cms – Compliance of the driver’s suspension, in meters per newton (the reciprocal of its ‘stiffness’). Rms – The mechanical resistance of a driver’s suspension (i.e., ‘lossiness’) in N·s/m Le – Voice coil inductance measured in millihenries (mH) (Frequency dependent, usually measured at 1 kHz). Re – DC resistance of the voice coil, measured in ohms. Bl – The product of magnet field strength in the voice coil gap and the length of wire in the magnetic field, in tesla-metres (T·m). 2014 Toyota tundra crewmax ported subwoofer box enclosure
How to keep your stock factory Entune stereo and add an amplifier sound processor equalizer
Easily add an amplifier to your Toyota Entune Factory Stereo
How to keep your stock factory Entune stereo and add an amplifier sound processor equalizer – Love your Toyota Tundra, but not really enjoying the sound quality coming from the factory Entune stereo? Until recently, many audio enthusiasts (including myself) looking for great sound quality would generally recommend replacing the factory Entune stereo (head unit) with a QUALITY aftermarket head unit. Why? Because most quality aftermarket head units are setup for great sound – they are NOT detuned like factory head units. It used to be VERY difficult to get great sound quality from a factory Entune stereo. Sure you can make it “loud” but loud does not mean great sound quality. However, recent technological advances in factory head units have made complete stereo replacement less practical. These days Toyota is including a ton of great features in their factory Entune stereos. At the time of this post,, many of the stock head units have Bluetooth, Internet search capability, navigation (GPS), steering wheel controls, IPod and auxiliary inputs, HD radio, satellite radio and the list just goes on and on. So it really does not make sense to replace the stock head unit when it includes all these great features. Plus a car stereo that looks factory, or “stealth,” is more likely to deter thieves. After a large number of requests from Toyota Tundra owners we decided to produce a product that makes it easy to keep your factory Entune stereo while paving the road to AMAZING sound quality.
Looking for a fast and easy solution?
Be sure to check out our plug and play amps that bolt directly into your Toyota Tundra. No messy wiring / color coded snap in plugs.
Tacotunes is excited to introduce the ReCurve EZQ. The ReCurve EZQ has been in development for nearly 3 years. We have been testing it in a number of Toyotas here in San Antonio. From base model Toyota Tundra to Limited or Platinum, this little “magic box” will help you get the sound you are craving from your stock Entune stereo. PLUS, installation is a SNAP! NO wire cutting, splicing, or soldering. Simply plug it in and you are ready to add one or more amplifiers to your Toyota. Gone are the days of wondering, “Will this unit work with my version of Windows or support an Apple? What did I do with the configuration CD? Why can’t I use my steering wheel controls anymore?” No more wasting countless hours reviewing wiring diagrams followed by ruining the factory wiring harness.
To make it even easier, we will provide a template to help you tune the EZQ for you Toyota Tundra Entune system when you provide the year and body style. PLUS, if you purchase one of our turn-key sound quality packages, this unit will be setup for plug and play from front to back. Of course everyone has different listening taste, so not only did make easy to install, the Tacotunes ReCurve EZQ is also EXTREMELY easy to adjust.
Our goal was simple. Make it quick and easy to restore amazing sound to your “detuned” factory head unit. Whether you like more or less bass, brighter highs or even want to adjust the mid bass to your desire, it could not be easier than using the ReCurve EZQ.
So what exactly does the ReCurve EZQ do for my audio system? The short version: the ReCurve EZQ takes the audio signal coming for your factory head unit, restores the frequencies that have been reduced /detuned by Toyota, then supplies a balanced preamp output to your amp(s). Additionally, you have the ability to adjust the sound to your taste! Want more bass? Want less highs? Not a problem! Be sure to check out our installation videos. We walk you through the entire process.
Toyota Tundra Entune How to add amp to factory stereo (7)
Add amplifier to stock Toyota Tundra Stereo with Entune
Bass Control Knob add amp to toyota tundra factory stereo with entune
Line Out Converter Toyota Tundra Crewmax Entune
Sound Process for Toyota Tundra with Entune
Toyota Tundra Entune How to add amp to factory stereo (2)
Toyota Tundra Entune How to add amp to factory stereo (1)
Does this work with the Entune system?
YES! It also works with a number of Toyota Tundras. We have tested this unit from 2007 Toyota Tundra to the 2014 Toyota Tundra with / without Entune. When you order you will be prompted to include the year and model of your Tundra to ensure we send the correct items you will need to get this installed quickly and easily
Do I need an amplifier too, or does the TACQEzQ help my speakers sound better?
The ReCurve EZQ is not an amplifier, as stated above. The primary purpose of the TACOEzQ is to restore the audio frequencies your amplifier(s) need to obtain great sound quality from your stock head unit. Yes, you will need an amp(s), depending on what you plan to install in your Toyota. Be sure to check out our turnkey No need to waste a bunch of time trying to figure out what will work AND sound amazing!
Does recommend an amp to work with the TACOEzQ?
We have tested and used this setup with a number of high quality amps to ensure the best solution for our customers. Our current list of amps that we recommend are as follows: (1) Exile Javelin 5 Channel Amplifier (2) Alpine PDXV9 Amplifier 5 Channel Amplifier (3) JL Audio HD900/5. However, you can use just about any quality amplifier. Some other examples, Alpine PDXF4 and Alpine PDXM6 amps can be used together . . We have started to offer the Exile Javelin amp as our primary amp in our SQ1 packages. The Exile amp will fit under the front seat of your Toyota, provide nearly 100 watts to Front and Rear speakers AND a whopping 800 watts to the subwoofer. This is a perfect match for our SQ1 system. Remote bass knob makes it a perfect setup for in-car listening and crank it up tailgating sound!
Why do I need the Recuve EzQ? I have used line out converters (LOC) in the past . . LOCs will do the same thing, right?
You can use LOCs to obtain a louder system. However, most of our customers are looking for sound quality not just volume. As we have mentioned above, most auto manufacturers including Toyota will detune a system by reducing frequencies the stock system is unable to reproduce. Most auto manufacturers do this so they can squeeze more power out of the system and allow you to turn the volume up louder by powering the stock speakers with the frequency range they can handle. However, the reason you are reading this information is because of the crappy sound coming from your stock speakers J. Also in most cases, people have used one LOC to add a subwoofer to the factory system. Sure you will get some bass, but it will leave you wondering it just doesn’t sound right. If you used LOCS to setup front, rear and subwoofer outputs you would need multiple LOCS. Plus you will still be spending hours trying to locate wires only to end up with a subpar system. Regardless of the quality of the LOC that you use, an LOC does not restore the missing frequencies. And most of the requests that lead to the development of the Recruve EzQ came from folks that initially installed LOCs or lower quality units that try to perform the same functions as the ReCurve EZQ.
There are similar products to the ReCurve EZQ. What makes this unit better?
First off, our plug and play system is the first of its kind in the industry. At the time we released/began field testing the ReCurve EZQ. No other manufacturer was offering a turnkey wiring harness and equalization device geared directly toward the Toyota Tundra market. Additionally, we have not seen any systems that offer an optional subwoofer control module, an auxiliary input, and use only high quality materials in the production of the unit. Just one look at Recruve EzQ and you can see the high quality parts and design. The RCA input// output connectors we used are the same you will find on high end amplifiers and the tiffany style connectors ensure a long product life. The number one reason for failure in amps and head units is stress on the circuit boards caused by cutting corners on RCA connections.
We build our systems for sound quality. I often get requests from customers that want to add a sub to their stock system. My personal opinion is why would you go through all the work of running power wire, run RCA(s) and then end up with a system that has a subwoofer that drowns out the rest of the system? I try to understand how some people just like bass only, but I can’t! When people listen to our systems, I always here the same thing: “WOW! That is so clear and balanced.” The highs, mids and subs all work together to create amazing sound. My biggest satisfaction is when I turn the keys over to a customer as he / she grins from ear to ear!
Line Out Converters (bolded) Personal opinions on LOCs: I have heard a lot of systems that used LOCs to connect the stock head unit to aftermarket amps. Quite honestly, a lot of guys are just happy with a louder system. Our goal is not to create LOUD systems but rather amazing sound that enhances your drive time. A byproduct is the ability to turn up the sound LOUD and enjoy music while tailgating. However our first goal is to achieve a sound paradise in your Toyota Tundra.
Powered Subs
I have been in car audio for many years. I started at age 15 tinkering with my first hand me down car. My first installation, I used a voltmeter and black tape to add an aftermarket system without using a harness adapter (YUK what a messy installation). Spent hours figuring out the color codes and splicing the factory wire harness. My first subwoofer was a powered “tube” subwoofer. I don’t want to mention product names, but you can get the picture. At first I was happy with what I thought was bass. But as each day went by I was not happy with the sound quality. My grandfather used to tell me. A “smart” person learns from his own mistakes. A “wise” man learns from other people’s mistakes. My point? I want to help guide you so you avoid making the same mistakes I, along with millions of others, have made in building an audio system. All that to say, powered subwoofers will leave you wanting more. IMO, save your money and do it right. A subwoofer requires three things: power, mass and control. At this point in time there is no way to reproduce the lower end of the frequency range without a subwoofer. To do this you need a good amount of power, the mass and “excursion” of a subwoofer and the control of a good quality subwoofer and the box that is matched to the subwoofer. When all the parts work together NO one will say they don’t need a subwoofer when they hear a properly tuned system.
Entune is a trademark of Toyota Motor Sales USA Inc., please see the Toyota website for additional information on the Entune system. Entune™ Entune encompasses the complete audio display stack of your vehicle – including Bluetooth, voice recognition, USB, aux port, navigation, and your display screen. On select, premium audio head units, you have access to navigation and a rich set of Apps and Data Services, now referred to as the “Entune® App Suite”.
BDS Suspension Lift Kit Before and After Pictures tires wheels specs offset
BDS Suspension Lift Kit Before and After Pictures tires wheels specs offset . . . below are pictures of Toyota Tundra Trucks that were lifted using BDS Suspension. If we can get all the specs, we will provide the specs on each rig below. We will also link the shop that performed the installation. If you have friends that are using BDS suspension on their Toyota Tacoma Double Cab or Access cab, please have them send us pictures and specs so we can put on this page.
If you submit your truck, please be sure to include:
Year and Model
BDS Suspension Kit: 3″ 4.5″ or 7″ w/wo Coilover
Wheels: Brand, Model, Size and Offset
Tires: Brand, Model, Size
Pictures: Before & After lots of pics so we can choose.
Shop that installed lift and link to their website and facebook page.
Bio: A little bit about the owner. Will only put your first name.
2014 Toyota Tundra CrewMax – First one in San Antonio
BDS Suspension 7″ Lift
Wheels: Fuel 20×10
Tires 37″ Toyo MT Open Country
Lift Performed by: Black Jack Speed Shop
Location: San Antonio TX
2014 Toyota Tundra CrewMax Platinum BDS 7 inch Lift 37 inch tires